Republic of Congo

Republic of Congo - Midline Report
In the Republic of Congo (RoC), TWMP together with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ) has implemented a programme focussed on the distribution of 100 washing machines in two locations in RoC, both in community settings as well as individual households. The washing machines were distributed in August 2024. As part of the implementation of this programme, TWMP conducted a midline assessment by surveying users who received a washing machine to understand their washing practices with the washing machine. The main objective of this report is to present an overview of the findings of this midline assessment.
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Republic of Congo - Baseline Report
In the Republic of Congo (RoC), TWMP together with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ) has implemented a programme focussed on the distribution of 100 washing machines in two locations in RoC, both in community settings as well as individual households. The washing machines were distributed in August 2024. As part of the implementation of this programme, TWMP conducted a baseline assessment by surveying users who received a washing machine to understand their washing practices before receiving the washing machine. The main objective of this report is to present the findings of this baseline assessment. TWMP would like to thank Whirlpool for supporting the distribution of the 100 washing machines as well as the distribution of more washing machines in the future.